Feliz Navidad De Andrew Y Patty

Let this Christmas be special, and allow the true love of Jesus Christ enter into your hearts to accept the greatest gift that God has ever given to all mankind.

"And You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free" - John 8, V32

Thanks for all of your kind wishes and cards, and may 2012 shower you with heavenly blessings!

Lots of love, Andrew and Patty.

The Christmas Story

Isaiah 9: 6 to 8 - Isaiah prophesies Jesus Christ's birth hundreds of years before it took place.

Micah 5: 2 to 5 - The prophet foretells the place of Christ's birth.

Luke 1: 26 to 38 - Luke recounts the visit of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.

Luke 2: 1 to 7 - Jesus born in a stable in Bethlehem.

Luke 2: 8 to 14 - The Angels announce Jesus' birth.

Luke 2: 15 to 20 - The Shepherds go to Bethlehem.

Matthew 2: 1 to 12 - The visit of the Magi.

Feliz Navidad A Todos